Saturday, October 10, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Anthony Robinson Madison WI shooting we go again....I am sure our dear leader will take off on this one, just as all the others.
This a few days after MPD announces they figure around 5,000 gang members in the Madison area.
This use to be a safe can bet our dear leader will be standing with the thugs...why???..because they all look like his sons....if he had one...
Why does the media ignore his record???
His mommy says...
Armed robbery on record, beat someone up, assaulted a police officer.The facts are the facts....
P.S. ...don't go near Madison people...
Here is the audio of the incident..…
Here are some pictures I pulled from his facebook account.
His twitter account here:
Let's just see what I can come up with as to what these gang signs mean....
I am sure the media will portray him as a wholesome child that never got in any trouble...ha ha
At the age of 17 Robinson became a father and was sued for child support in 2014.
No...he couldn't be wearing an ankle monitoring device???....He never gets in any trouble....
This a few days after MPD announces they figure around 5,000 gang members in the Madison area.
This use to be a safe can bet our dear leader will be standing with the thugs...why???..because they all look like his sons....if he had one...
Why does the media ignore his record???
His mommy says...
"My son was never, ever a violent person".
Armed robbery on record, beat someone up, assaulted a police officer.The facts are the facts....
Friday evenings police call would end with a white officer fatally shooting an unarmed black teenager, sparking heated protests and pained conversations across Madison, started with a report of a man on Williamson Street “yelling and jumping in front of cars.”
A dispatcher tells the officers that the man is named Tony Robinson, and that callers have said he hit and tried to strangle someone inside a Williamson Street house.
Less than 20 seconds after an officer radios that he is going into an upstairs apartment, there is a call for shots fired.
In those seconds, police say Robinson, 19, of Madison, and Officer Matt Kenny, 45, who has been with the department more than 12 years, struggled inside the apartment before Kenny fatally shot Robinson. Kenny was injured in the altercation, police said.
P.S. ...don't go near Madison people...
Here is the audio of the incident..…
Here are some pictures I pulled from his facebook account.
His twitter account here:
Let's just see what I can come up with as to what these gang signs mean....
I am sure the media will portray him as a wholesome child that never got in any trouble...ha ha
At the age of 17 Robinson became a father and was sued for child support in 2014.
No...he couldn't be wearing an ankle monitoring device???....He never gets in any trouble....
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Patent for Chemtrails
ADEQ Meeting - 06/25/2014
US Patent 5003186 Stratospheric welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming (spraying with aluminum)
Basically, we have been poisoned
with aluminum oxides and thorium since at least 1992.
Think about it..they could be using recycled coal ash from nuclear plants . It is all a win win for big money and agendas . We get cancer and Big Pharma friends get rich, as well as Bill Gates and the UN getting their wish of depopulation,and dumbing down of what is left of us.
All wrapped up in a neat little Global warming package they now are trying to sell us.
Kinda sounds a bit like the flouride in our water that they say "we need".
The U.S Military WILL use weather as a WEAPON on American citizens...
Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts
Click here for patent...Chemtrail Patent
Well here it is in black and white.
US patent office documents are the property of you and me,
the people of the USA..
Is the real purpose of these chemtrails is really about fighting global warming? The planes that are doing it are not showing up in flight plans. This takes more than just a company or two spraying . There's no chemtrails in Russia or China, apparently, only NATO countries are reporting them.
A method is described for reducing atmospheric or global warming resulting from the presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, i.e., from the greenhouse effect. Such gases are relatively transparent to sunshine, but absorb strongly the long-wavelength infrared radiation released by the earth. The method includes the step of seeding the layer of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere with particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity. Such materials include Welsbach materials and the oxides of metals which have high emissivity (and thus low reflectivities) in the visible and 8-12 micron infrared wavelength regions.
About Hughes Aircraft (patent owner)
- 1985: The HHMI sold Hughes Aircraft to General Motors for $5.2 billion. This was merged with GM's Delco Electronics to form Hughes Electronics Corporation. This group then consisted of:
- Delco Electronics Corporation
- Hughes Aircraft Company
- 1987: Hughes Aircraft Company acquires M/A-COM Telecommunications, to form Hughes Network Systems
- 1994: Hughes Electronics introduces DirecTV
- 1995: Hughes Space and Communications Company became the world's biggest supplier of commercial satellites
- 1995: Hughes Electronics acquires Magnavox Electronic Systems from the Carlyle Group
- 1996: Hughes Electronics and PanAmSat agree to merge their fixed satellite services into a new publicly held company, also called PanAmSat with Hughes Electronics as majority shareholder.
- 1997: GM transferred Delco Electronics from Hughes Electronics to its Delphi Automotive Systems. Delphi became independent in 1999.
- 1997: The aerospace and defense operations of Hughes Electronics (Hughes Aircraft) are merged with Raytheon; Raytheon also acquired one half of the Hughes Research Laboratories
- 2000: Hughes Space and Communications Company remained independent until 2000, when it was purchased by Boeing and became Boeing Satellite Development Center. Boeing purchased one third of the HRL Laboratories, LLC which was then co-owned by Boeing, GM and Raytheon.
- 2003: The remaining parts of Hughes Electronics: DirecTV, DirecTV Latin America, PanAmSat and Hughes Network Systems were purchased by News Corp and renamed The DirecTV Group.
- News corp sold PanAmSat to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) in August 2004.
- 2004: Director Martin Scorsese uses the Hughes Aircraft stage in Playa Vista to film the motion-capture sequences in the film Aviator
- SkyTerra Communications, Inc. completed its purchase of 100% controlling interest in Hughes Network Systems from the DirecTV Group in January 2006.
- The method of claim wherein said material comprises one or more of the oxides of metals
- aluminum oxide.
- thorium oxide.
Said particles are dispersed by seeding the stratosphere with a quantity of said particles at altitudes in the range of seven to thirteen kilometers above the earth's surface. - particles is in the range of ten to one hundred microns.
- material is a Welsbach material
Effects of Aluminum ..from the government website...
Following oral exposure, aluminium distributes throughout the organism with accumulation in bone, kidneys and brain being of concern to humans with evidence of renal dysfunction, anemia or neuro behavioural alterations reported after excessive doses. The presence of aluminium in vaccines was found to be associated with macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) at the site of i.m. injection. The toxicity of aluminium is affected by chelating agents and ligands although the mechanisms underlying toxicity remain unknown.
A study of transgenic mice that produce Alzheimer-type amyloid pathology noted that mice feed diets high in aluminium showed increased levels of amyloid
Apart from the potential that aluminium might interact directly with molecules implicated in AD and related neurodegenerative disorders, studies in animals have revealed potential mechanisms by which aluminium might indirectly impact on the function of the nervous system. Studies suggest potential mechanisms by which long-term exposure to aluminium could be deleterious and could synergistically worsen cognitive abilities in individuals that have pathologic abnormalities associated with AD.
There is clear evidence that sustained exposure to high levels of aluminium can cause bone abnormalities. Aluminium is clearly deposited in bone at sites of new growth. Bones in animals exposed to aluminium may show increased weakness and increased brittleness. Deficiencies in calcium or magnesium may exacerbate the effects of aluminium. Aluminium overload leads to PTH suppression and with regards to the bone, may be associated with altered calcium homeostasis.
Experimental aluminium inhalation has been shown to produce effects interpreted as alveolar proteinosis and lipid pneumonia. Inhalation of aluminium had some protective effect against quartz dust-induced fibrosis in some, but not all, studies. Intratracheal aluminium instillation produced nodular fibrosis. Aluminium is used as an adjuvant in vaccines and hyposensitization treatments to precipitate toxins and toxoids, enhance their antigenic properties and reduce their rate of absorption and elimination. Aluminium can produce aluminium-species-dependent dermal irritation.
There may be an altered immune response to challenge following excess aluminium exposure and this may be influenced by the health and hormonal status of the dam with increased susceptibility to bacterial infection seen in pregnancy.
Several studies have reported adverse respiratory tract effects in aluminium industry employees. Asthma-like symptoms, known as potroom asthma, have been the most intensely investigated respiratory effect. Wheezing, dyspnea, and impaired lung function (typically assessed by measuring forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and forced volume capacity (FVC)) are the primary features of this disorder. Several cross-sectional, case-control and longitudinal studies have demonstrated increased frequency of adverse pulmonary effects in potroom workers as compared to non-exposed workers.
In contrast, exposure to aluminium powder is thought to be directly correlated with the development of pulmonary fibrosis in aluminium industry workers.
The occurrence of contact dermatitis and irritant dermatitis was reported in workers exposed to aluminium alloys and aluminium dust.
Several epidemiological studies have reported an increased risk of developing lung cancer or bladder cancer for workers in the aluminium industry
Anaemia, bone disease, and dialysis encephalopathy are the most commonly reported complications of aluminium exposure in this population.
We concluded that there is strong evidence that aluminium can cause irritation following exposure via either inhalation or injection. Modest evidence of an effect exists for reproductive toxicity following oral exposure, for neurological toxicity following either oral or injection exposure, and for bone toxicity following injection exposure.
The carcinogenic risk from aluminium and its compounds has not been evaluated by IARC. However, IARC has deemed that that there is sufficient evidence to show that certain exposures occurring during the production of aluminium cause cancer in humans
How can thorium affect people's health?
The principal concern from low to moderate level exposure to ionizing radiation is increased risk of cancer. Studies have shown that inhaling thorium dust causes an increased risk of developing lung cancer, and cancer of the pancreas. Bone cancer risk is also increased because thorium may be stored in bone. Thorium was once commonly used as the light source in gas mantles and as an alloying material, but these applications have declined due to concerns about its radioactivity.
How likely is thorium to cause cancer?
Workers who had high exposures to cigarette smoke, radon gas, and thorium had cancers of the lung, pancreas, and blood. People who had large amounts of thorium injected into their blood for special x-ray tests had more than the usual number of liver tumors, cancers of the blood, such as leukemia, and tumors of the bone, kidney, spleen, and pancreas.
Welsbach materials
So why the cleanup if you are spraying this material all over above us?? EPA added the Welsbach & General Gas Mantle site in New Jersey to the Superfund National Priorities List on June 17, 1996 because radiological contamination was discovered at the site.
Mercury, Autism And The Global Vaccine Agenda
And just in case you think chemtrails and contrails are the same...this video is for you....
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Obama's Muslim sympathy
On January 16, 2015, our dear Muslim in chief said this....
Europe must do more to better integrate its Muslim communities, and not "simply respond with a hammer," US President Barack Obama said Friday in the wake of last week's terror attacks in France.
"Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations -- they feel themselves to be Americans," Obama told a joint press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron.
"There are parts of Europe in which that's not the case. And that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces... it's important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems."
I say he is one of them and uses lying to the American people as stated in his Koran.......
1. . Taqiyya
Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie and/or conceal their true faith, feelings, thoughts, plans, and character, for the purpose of protecting themselves. It is fully based on the Koran and is agreed to and practiced by all major sects of Islam.
“When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2 ) World domination is obligatory.
Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie and/or conceal their true faith, feelings, thoughts, plans, and character, for the purpose of protecting themselves. It is fully based on the Koran and is agreed to and practiced by all major sects of Islam.
“When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2 ) World domination is obligatory.
2. . Kitman
Kitman is a term that means Muslims are permitted to tell half-truths, or partial truths, while concealing the greater whole truth. Discussion of “jihad” as being only an “inner” or “spiritual” struggle is an example of Kitman, as technically it is true that jihad refers to a spiritual struggle, but conceals the very real physical struggle that is also encompassed by jihad.
Kitman is a term that means Muslims are permitted to tell half-truths, or partial truths, while concealing the greater whole truth. Discussion of “jihad” as being only an “inner” or “spiritual” struggle is an example of Kitman, as technically it is true that jihad refers to a spiritual struggle, but conceals the very real physical struggle that is also encompassed by jihad.
3. .Tawriya
Tawriya allows Muslims to “creatively lie” by being purposely ambiguous about the real meaning of what they are saying.
Tawriya allows Muslims to “creatively lie” by being purposely ambiguous about the real meaning of what they are saying.
4. . Muruna
Muruna is perhaps the biggest deception practiced by Muslims, as it allows them to be “flexible” regarding the commands of their faith in order to properly blend in with the society around them. Muruna permits Muslims to shave their beards, wear Western clothing, listen to Western music, and even drink alcohol. This is what the 9/11 jihadists did.
Muruna is perhaps the biggest deception practiced by Muslims, as it allows them to be “flexible” regarding the commands of their faith in order to properly blend in with the society around them. Muruna permits Muslims to shave their beards, wear Western clothing, listen to Western music, and even drink alcohol. This is what the 9/11 jihadists did.
These four terms are integral to Muslem infiltration of the West. All of these deceptions go against specific commandments, as well as the overarching commandment against lying itself, that are found in the Koran. Truth is canceled out by The Doctrine of Abrogation (nullification) (Al Nasikh Wal Mansukh)
Surah 2:106 "None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?"
Surah 2:106 "None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?"
Muslims are allowed to lie so long as its use contributes to a greater goal or serves a greater commandment within the Koran, like spreading Islam among the infidels. Watch for this practice of lying, especially in the MSM, main stream media which has Mid East investment. It is also present in revisionist history texts in our public schools in #Common Core.
Because lying can be obligatory, any Muslim who does not do so may be considered a heretic if s/he is not furthering Islam. Not following the exact dictates of Mohammad is a beheading offense for them. This is why there can be no such thing as reform in this ideology, and that there is no "radical" Islam. Islam is Islam.
*Koran 3.54 ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الماكرين
literal translation
"And they cheated/deceived and Allah cheated/deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers."
literal translation
"And they cheated/deceived and Allah cheated/deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers."
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Looney Tunes
Having a new grandson, I watch alot of cartoons. Right now on Cartoon Network they are playing vintage reruns of my all time favorite cartoon...Looney Tunes. I have to wonder if these cartoons would be allowed to run in todays age....Elmer Fudd(avid hunter), Yosemite Sam(gun wielding ), Baby face Finster....etc.
I watched Looney Tunes as a kid and there were guns in my home. When I was told not to touch them I respected my parents enough to not touch them. Guns and cartoons were all the norm. My favorite game was playing Charlies Angels with the gun shaped Avon decanters of cologne...good times.
I watched Looney Tunes as a kid and there were guns in my home. When I was told not to touch them I respected my parents enough to not touch them. Guns and cartoons were all the norm. My favorite game was playing Charlies Angels with the gun shaped Avon decanters of cologne...good times.
In the time of these cartoons, youth suicide was practically non existent. Now, with all the censorship of violence, the youth is getting more violent and committing suicides more often.
Our dear MUSLIM IN CHIEF has now infiltrated our schools via Common Core .
On Sept. 23 of 2014, the U.S. Department of Education announced $70 million in “School Climate Transformation grants.” More than half of the money “will be used to develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for implementing evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioral frameworks for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions.”
Such designs hint at broader motives and agendas, reports Professor James F. Tracy in an article for Global Research:
“1) the federal government’s continued aggressive transformation of the healthcare system; and 2) psychiatry and drug manufacturers’ shared mission to persuade an increasing segment of the national and global population that it has one or more undiagnosed mental or emotional ‘disorders’ that require analysis and treatment.Introducing psychiatric explanations and methodologies into school environments guarantees a growing customer base for the psychiatric profession and pharmaceutical industry. Alongside government’s increasing control of healthcare, the technocratic surveillance and management of everyday thought and behavior is likewise emerging as part of what is deceptively termed ‘wellness.’In reality such efforts ensure an ever-expanding bureaucracy, handsomely line the pockets of a select few, and further normalize a culture of learned helplessness and control within an environment that already privileges conformity as a matter of routine.”
Funny how schools are and have been since 1990 being Federally funded when they get children to take mind altering drugs...we are all paying for this nonsense.I have to say in 1991 when my son was just 7 , his school (Roberts in Fond du lac) tried telling me he had ADD, and suggested he go on the medication Ridalin...Being a young single mom, I believed them and set off to have him tested. My gut was saying this was wrong, so I called in sick from work, and sat thru the entire test with him at the Psychiatrists office.
I am here to tell you NO ONE could have passed that test. There was a 8 by 10 black and white detailed drawing of a room with people in it, and he had to find what was missing in 60 seconds...I could not find it...I was looking for facial features, plants, pictures on the wall..etc...Come to find out it was the DOORKNOB on the half opened door th was missing... REALLY??? Not all doors eve have door knobs.I knew right then and there it was WRONG to medicate a small child with mind altering drugs for such nonsense.This was not the last of my problems however....
I was in a custody battle with my son's father , and he told me he would be taking me to court for withholding medication from our son, if I did not follow protocol. Never underestimate a momma protecting her child...the war was now on. I decided to pick up the prescription, dump the pills , and replace them with Flintstone vitamins.
I gave him one every day as prescribed...heee heee. Next came time for parent teacher conference...I as always showed up, and my ex did not. My son's teacher told me how well he was doing since taking the Ridalyn ...I could not contain myself and said..."well that's funny because he has never had it, I replaced it with vitamins".Her face was priceless..she looked like she saw a ghost. I walked out knowing I had just done the right thing.
So the moral to this story is please parents homeschool your children when possible. And if not please be aware that not everyone has your childs best interest at heart. If your gut tells you something is wrong, check it out. Following the money will surely uncover the beast....
Common Core is just that beast. Look over all your child's homework, and get involved. Ask questions, be diligent, and hold people in charge accountable .....
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