Having a new grandson, I watch alot of cartoons. Right now on Cartoon Network they are playing vintage reruns of my all time favorite cartoon...Looney Tunes. I have to wonder if these cartoons would be allowed to run in todays age....Elmer Fudd(avid hunter), Yosemite Sam(gun wielding ), Baby face Finster....etc.
I watched Looney Tunes as a kid and there were guns in my home. When I was told not to touch them I respected my parents enough to not touch them. Guns and cartoons were all the norm. My favorite game was playing Charlies Angels with the gun shaped Avon decanters of cologne...good times.
I watched Looney Tunes as a kid and there were guns in my home. When I was told not to touch them I respected my parents enough to not touch them. Guns and cartoons were all the norm. My favorite game was playing Charlies Angels with the gun shaped Avon decanters of cologne...good times.
In the time of these cartoons, youth suicide was practically non existent. Now, with all the censorship of violence, the youth is getting more violent and committing suicides more often.
Our dear MUSLIM IN CHIEF has now infiltrated our schools via Common Core .
On Sept. 23 of 2014, the U.S. Department of Education announced $70 million in “School Climate Transformation grants.” More than half of the money “will be used to develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for implementing evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioral frameworks for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions.”
Such designs hint at broader motives and agendas, reports Professor James F. Tracy in an article for Global Research:
“1) the federal government’s continued aggressive transformation of the healthcare system; and 2) psychiatry and drug manufacturers’ shared mission to persuade an increasing segment of the national and global population that it has one or more undiagnosed mental or emotional ‘disorders’ that require analysis and treatment.Introducing psychiatric explanations and methodologies into school environments guarantees a growing customer base for the psychiatric profession and pharmaceutical industry. Alongside government’s increasing control of healthcare, the technocratic surveillance and management of everyday thought and behavior is likewise emerging as part of what is deceptively termed ‘wellness.’In reality such efforts ensure an ever-expanding bureaucracy, handsomely line the pockets of a select few, and further normalize a culture of learned helplessness and control within an environment that already privileges conformity as a matter of routine.”
Funny how schools are and have been since 1990 being Federally funded when they get children to take mind altering drugs...we are all paying for this nonsense.I have to say in 1991 when my son was just 7 , his school (Roberts in Fond du lac) tried telling me he had ADD, and suggested he go on the medication Ridalin...Being a young single mom, I believed them and set off to have him tested. My gut was saying this was wrong, so I called in sick from work, and sat thru the entire test with him at the Psychiatrists office.
I am here to tell you NO ONE could have passed that test. There was a 8 by 10 black and white detailed drawing of a room with people in it, and he had to find what was missing in 60 seconds...I could not find it...I was looking for facial features, plants, pictures on the wall..etc...Come to find out it was the DOORKNOB on the half opened door th was missing... REALLY??? Not all doors eve have door knobs.I knew right then and there it was WRONG to medicate a small child with mind altering drugs for such nonsense.This was not the last of my problems however....
I was in a custody battle with my son's father , and he told me he would be taking me to court for withholding medication from our son, if I did not follow protocol. Never underestimate a momma protecting her child...the war was now on. I decided to pick up the prescription, dump the pills , and replace them with Flintstone vitamins.
I gave him one every day as prescribed...heee heee. Next came time for parent teacher conference...I as always showed up, and my ex did not. My son's teacher told me how well he was doing since taking the Ridalyn ...I could not contain myself and said..."well that's funny because he has never had it, I replaced it with vitamins".Her face was priceless..she looked like she saw a ghost. I walked out knowing I had just done the right thing.
So the moral to this story is please parents homeschool your children when possible. And if not please be aware that not everyone has your childs best interest at heart. If your gut tells you something is wrong, check it out. Following the money will surely uncover the beast....
Common Core is just that beast. Look over all your child's homework, and get involved. Ask questions, be diligent, and hold people in charge accountable .....
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